Gambaran Kandungan Rhodamin B Pada Saos Tomat Di Pedagang Bakso Tusuk Jalan Kapten Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin

  • Agus Fitriadi Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan
  • Rahmat Wirayudha Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan
Keywords: Tomato Sauce, Rhodamin b, TLC method


Food additives ingredients (BTP) that are intentionally added to foods that have or do not have nutritional value. Rhodamin b is a dangerous ingredient that is often mixed in tomato sauce. According to the Banjarmasin BPOM report in 2018, the results of testing of these commodities still indicate that some products use hazardous substances which are prohibited from being used for food, one of which is Rhodamin dye b. Therefore, research is needed to find out the presence of Rhodamin b in tomato sauce sold on Jalan Kapten Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the content of rhodamine b in tomato sauce seller meatballs skewers on Jalan Pierre Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. Samples were taken in total sampling from 15 skewer meatballs sellers located in Jalan Captain Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin, the samples obtained were then tested in a laboratory and then examined Rhodamin b using the TLC method. Based on the results of the study, the sample did not form red spots when seen directly with the eye and used UV light, but the Rf value was the same as the standard value of rhodamin b so the results of the study were negative. Thus the tomato sauce found in Jalan Captain Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin does not contain the dangerous Rhodamin b.

How to Cite
Anshari, M., Fitriadi, A., & Wirayudha, R. (2020). Gambaran Kandungan Rhodamin B Pada Saos Tomat Di Pedagang Bakso Tusuk Jalan Kapten Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin. Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Kesehatan Dan Teknologi, 2(2), 28-35.